平成16年度・17年度成果報告書 - 発表論文 - 無形文化財
- X. Wu, O. Takizawa, T. Matsuyama: Parallel Pipeline Volume Intersection for Real-Time 3D Shape Reconstruction on a PC Cluster, The 4th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, New York, 2006.1

- 波部斉, 山澤一誠, 野村敏男, 曽良洋介, 松山隆司,多面体表現を用いた全方位ビデオの圧縮, 電子情報通信学会論文誌Vol.J88-A,No.9,pp.1074-1084, 2005. 9.

- H. Habe, Y. Katsura, and T. Matsuyama: "Skin-off: Representation and Compression Scheme for 3D Video", Proc. Picture Coding Symposium (PCS) 2004, San Francisco , Dec.2004

- T. Matsuyama, X. Wu, T. Takai, and S. Nobuhara: "Real-Time 3D Shape Reconstruction, Dynamic 3D Mesh Deformation, and High Fidelity Visualization for 3D Video", International Journal on Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol.96, No.3 pp.393-434 ,Dec.2004

- S. Nobuhara and T. Matsuyama: Heterogeneous Deformation Model for 3D Shape and Motion Recovery from Multi-Viewpoint Images, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization, and Transmission, 2004, 566--573, 2004.9