Understanding Human Information Processing and lts Applications

Main Page ≫ The first International Workshop ≫ Program of the paper presentations

Program of the paper presentations

November 25 (Monday)
9:10 Opening
  Session I: Observation and Segmentation of Actions (chaired by Prof. M. Sasaki)
9:30 Invited talk: Virtual Environments and the Global Array
Thomas A. Stoffregen
10:15 Human-Like Action Recognition using Features Selected by Human
Taketoshi Mori
10:40 Acquiring and Refining Robot Operations from Observation
Katsushi Ikeuchi
11:05 Coffee Break
  Session II: Wearable Interface (chaired by Prof. Y. Kuno)
11:20 Invited talk: Wearable Agents
Thad Starner
12:05 Active Wearable Vision Sensor:
Detecting Person's Blink Points and Estimating Human Motion Trajectory
Akihiro Sugimoto
12:30 Lunch Discussion
  Session III Multimedia-Interaction (chaired by Prof. H. Takemura)
14:10 Invited talk:Building an Aware Home: Technologies for the Way We May Live
Irfan Essa
14:55 Real-Time Tracking of User's Motions and Its Use for Augmented Surface Systems
Yoichi Sato
15:20 3-D Tele-direction Interface using Video Projector
Shinsaku Hiura
15:45 Coffee Break
16:00 Demo Session I
18:00 Night Session
November 26 (Tuesday)
  Session IV: Acquisition of Interaction Models (chaired by Prof. A. Iriki)
9:00 Invited talk: Neural Mechanisms and Ecological Validity of Finite-State Song Syntax in Bengalese Finches
Kazuo Okanoya
9:45 An Ecological Approach to Intra- and Inter-personal Coordination of Speech, Gesture and Breathing Movements
Nobuhiro Furuyama
10:10 Modeling and Disambiguation of Object Reference in Spoken Dialogue Interfaces
Tatsuya Kawahara
10:35 Coffee Break
  Session V: Integration of Multi-modalities (chaired by Prof. T. Matsuyama)
10:50 Invited talk: SmartKom: Fusion and Fission of Speech, Gestures, and Facial Expressions
Wolfgang Wahlster
11:35 Human-Humanoid Interaction through Real-Time Audio-Visual Multiple-Talker Tracking
Hiroshi G. Okuno
12:00 Integrated Event Recognition from Multiple Sources
Hiroaki Kawashima
12:30 Demo Session II / Lunch Discussion
15:10 Coffee Break
  Session VI: Body Image (chaired by Prof. M. Inaba)
15:25 Invited talk: A Taxonomy of Social Robots
Cynthia Breazeal
16:10 Coding ``Self-in-the-Monitor'' by Parietal Neurons
Atsushi Iriki
16:35 A Constructive Approach to Developing Interactive Humanoid Robots
Hiroshi Ishiguro
17:00 From Humanoid Embodiment to Theory of Mind
Yasuo Kuniyoshi
17:25 Closing


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