Understanding Human Information Processing and lts Applications

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The figure shown below illustrates the social structure in the 21st century, where our every day life activities are conducted in two different types of societies:

Physical Real World :
This is the society where we, human beings, breath, eat, walk, sleep, and so on with other objects and living things.
Cyber Network Society :
This is the society that has been established these ten years on top of information network systems, where important social activities such as economical business, education, entertainment, communication and so on are being conducted.
Cyber Network Society
      and Physical Real World

Figure1: The social structure in the 21st century

With the rapid growth of the cyber network society, gaps between these two societies have been incurring serious problems.

One way to fill the gaps would be to integrate these two societies with real-time bi-lateral multimodal information processing, which includes

Object Digitization :
Multimodal sensing and recognition of objects and human activities in the physical real world and
Media Rendering :
Multimedia rendering and presentation of digital data in the cyber network society.

By conducting these two types of processing in real time, data in the cyber network society and situations in the physical real world are cross-checked to keep mutual integrity.

To make the integration smooth and casual, dynamic multimodal interaction / communication protocols between human beings in the physical real world and intelligent machines in the cyber network society are crucial as well as the above two media processing capabilities: at what timing pauses are introduced, at what speed responses are given, how reactive and proactive controls are conducted, and in what media information is represented.

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