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Basic Functional Modeling

First we define Active Vision Agent (AVA, in short) as a rational agent with visual perception, action, and communication capabilities. Let tex2html_wrap_inline1294 denote the internal state of ith AVA, tex2html_wrap_inline1298 and tex2html_wrap_inline1300 the state of the world where a group of AVAs are embeded.

Then, intuitively, perception and action by a single tex2html_wrap_inline1298 can be modeled by the following state mapping functions (Fig. 4):


where tex2html_wrap_inline1304 denotes entities perceived by tex2html_wrap_inline1298 . We introduce tex2html_wrap_inline1308 to link tex2html_wrap_inline1310 and tex2html_wrap_inline1312 . It denotes the perception-driven and/or autonomous internal state transition by tex2html_wrap_inline1298 :


Figure 4: A primitive model of interaction between perception and action.

Since tex2html_wrap_inline1294 includes various camera parameters such as camera position, viewing angle, zooming factor, focus, and so on, tex2html_wrap_inline1310 depends on tex2html_wrap_inline1294 ; tex2html_wrap_inline1304 changes depending on tex2html_wrap_inline1324 . tex2html_wrap_inline1312 , on the other hand, can modify its own internal state tex2html_wrap_inline1294 as well as the state of the world tex2html_wrap_inline1300 :

The discrimination between embodied and vacuous AVAs plays a crucial role in defining the meaning of communication.